The Université Paris-Saclay libraries are a joint service of the University of Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec and ENS Paris-Saclay.

Here you can find all the practical information and services we offer, as well as access to our electronic resources and catalogue.


The Université Paris-Saclay libraries welcome you on the Kremlin-Bicêtre, Orsay and Sceaux campuses, and on the Plateau de Moulon with the Lumen. They are part of Université Paris-Saclay's network of 40 libraries and documentation centres.
Find out more about our services including real-time visitor levels in your libraries, workstation bookings, 24-hour electronic resource consultation and document searches.


Opening times and visitor levels

What are the opening times of my University Library (UL)?

How busy is my UL?

24-hour resources

Access all the resources available online.

Quality programme and surveys

Quality of service is central to our priorities: the Public Services + reference framework

Book a room for group work

The Kremin-Bicêtre, Orsay and Sceaux UL, along with the Lumen, offer rooms for group work.


A shared project