Search for a dissertation or thesis
French and foreign higher education libraries offer a wide range of tools for accessing references to theses and dissertations and increasingly to their full texts.
Electronic theses are freely accessible on the web, if the author has authorised online distribution.
Theses on paper or microfiche can be consulted in the university libraries, most of which offer a remote lending service, so it is easy to request an inter-library loan (ILL) to obtain the document you are interested in if it is not available in Université Paris-Saclay's libraries.
You can find it (author, title, university, etc.) on
- Theses defended before 1972: Please make your request at the library reception, by phone, or by email.
The Sudoc (Système Universitaire de Documentation) catalog lists both printed and digital theses, indicates which library(ies) to consult them in, and optionally provides online access to their full text.
Accessible in French and English, the national portal signals theses defended in France since 1985, indicates where to consult them, and optionally provides access to the full text of thousands of theses. The portal offers advanced features such as sharing results on social networks, subscribing to RSS feeds of the latest deposited theses, exporting result lists, etc.
Theses-en-ligne provides access to publications self-archived by researchers (theses, habilitations à diriger des recherches). Please note that since TEL is not exhaustive, not all theses defended in France are deposited there.
Other institutional sites include:
OATAO: Open Institutional Repository Toulouse in Engineering Sciences
Pastel: Online theses of ParisTech (AgroParisTech, Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies, Chimie ParisTech, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, ESPCI ParisTech, HEC PARIS, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Mines ParisTech, Télécom Paris), also available in TEL and HAL.
ArTeMIS: Theses from the Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO) in Toulouse.
The European portal for theses, Dart-Europe, provides access to research dissertations from over 600 universities across 28 European countries (over 800,000 full-text documents), including France.
- South Africa : National ETD Portal
- Australia : Trove
- Brazil : BDTD
- Canada : Portail Thèses Canada
- United-Kingdom : EThOS
- French-speaking Switzerland : rérodoc
The research library of the Jean Monnet Faculty makes the 2nd year Master's dissertations in law defended at the Faculty available to students.
DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance/University Deposit of Dissertations After Defence): is an open archive portal compiling the board-approved works of graduate students, regardless of the discipline.